Tips for Announcing Bad News

by Thomas Mustac

Here are a few aspects organizations need to consider when there is some hot water for an organization or an individual: Who will be the speaker? — Will the individual represent him- or herself or get a spokesperson? For an organization, the spokesperson will be the face of the organization within the firestorm. What is most important is the individual must be calm, cool and … [More]

Mastering Executive Presentations

Unveiling the secrets to craft a winning presentation

by Kasper Vardup

In the cutthroat world of business and startups, one’s ability to deliver a compelling executive presentation can be the ticket to scaling the corporate ladder. For technology professionals, where information can sometimes teeter between being technically dense and challenging to decipher, the importance of crafting a clear and engaging executive presentation cannot be … [More]

Reading the Signs: More Communication Is Not Better Communication

Top 3 things to do to avoid any miscommunication with one’s team

by Richard Newman 

Presentations in business often go something like this: Someone stands up in front of a group and delivers a list of data and facts. The information is soon forgotten, just like items on a conveyor belt in “The Generation Game.” The attendees leave the meeting, and when asked what it was about, they are forced to create a story about the facts they can remember, which can lead … [More]

First Telecommunications Business Customer Joins APS’s Green Power Partners Program

Cox Communications has become the first Arizona Public Service Co. (APS) telecommunications business customer in APS’s Green Power Partners Program (GPP).  By purchasing solar renewable energy from the Green Power Partners Program, Cox will vastly decrease reliance on fossil fuels, achieving 100% renewable supply for all our Cox facilities served by APS across Arizona. This … [More]

Messaging a Warm Reception

by Eric M. Bailey

We all know that if there is one set of instructions and five people listening to those instructions, it’s a virtual certainty that different people will perceive and interpret those instructions differently. Said more plainly, the information will be received differently.  The reason leadership communication is so difficult is leaders can expect the number of people they … [More]

Young Professionals Program Provides Opportunity for Networking, Community Involvement and Professional Development

In its 12th year, The Greater Phoenix Chamber’s Valley Young Professional (VYP) program offers entrepreneurs, community leaders, and business professionals a chance to network, get involved in the community, and grow personally and professionally. The group is open to Valley-area professionals ages 25-39. It aims to create the next generation of Phoenix leaders by connecting … [More]

Why In-Person Interaction Remains Critical in the Age of Remote Work

Not long after the COVID-19 pandemic forced a shift to remote work, the internet security research firm Twingate conducted a national survey to find out what workers missed most about going to the office. Heading the list: “Social connections,” followed closely by “human contact in general.” Those answers aren’t surprising to Phil Kelley Jr., author of Presence and … [More]

EN NEGOCIOS: Relaciones empresariales: Las 5 amistades clave de los emprendedores exitosos

por Edgar R. Olivo

No es ningún secreto que las relaciones son importantes para nuestras vidas. Nos ayudan a pensar fuera de lo común, desafiar nuestras suposiciones y crecer como individuos. Cuando las relaciones se nutren, las recompensas son realización, satisfacción y felicidad. Pero, ¿qué sucede cuando aplica este concepto a una pequeña empresa? Todo emprendedor exitoso tiene una red de … [More]

Business Relationships: 5 Key Friendships of Successful Entrepreneurs

by Edgar R. Olivo

It is no secret that relationships are important to our lives. They help us think outside the box, challenge our assumptions, and grow as individuals. When relationships are nourished, the rewards are fulfillment, contentment and happiness. But what happens when you apply this concept to a small business? Every successful entrepreneur has a network of supportive relationships … [More]

Keywords for Communication Strategy during Invasion of Ukraine: Accuracy and Empathy

As Russia’s aggressive attack on Ukraine persists, the past week has made it more apparent than ever what profound impact informational warfare has in shaping public opinion on the invasion and pressuring entrepreneurs and companies to act. Many businesses have made their position clear and temporarily ceased operations in Russia to demonstrate their disapproval of the … [More]

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Business Relationships and Grow Your Company

Another record year for entrepreneurship could be in store for 2022. But how many of these new business owners end up succeeding will depend on more than the quality of the products and services they offer. Creating and nurturing customer relationships allow businesses to offer a more personalized and enticing customer experience, which produces the buyer loyalty that is … [More]

3 Ways to Nurture Business Relationships through Online Meetings 

by Phil Kelley Jr.

Did you fight to keep from nodding off during your company’s most recent video call?  Or are you leading the meeting and half your group is hiding behind black screens, secretly nodding off to your presentation? Perhaps you strained to understand a speaker with a faulty microphone, or lost connection due to your own tech malfunctions? Video conferencing is your next best … [More]

How to Select the Right Social Media Tools for Your Business 

by Christena Garduno

When selecting a tool for your brand, there are many excellent alternatives and so many incredible, time-saving capabilities that it's challenging to determine which one is best for you. Each tool has its advantages, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Therefore, how can you choose which one is the most appropriate match for you? Here are a few helpful … [More]

An American Businessperson in a Global World

by Susanne Evens 

In the American business world, there is a generally accepted, and often unspoken, etiquette that most businesspeople follow: Be on time, dress professionally, use a firm handshake, make eye contact, show initiative, be respectful of one’s superiors and so on. Look around the world, however, and there are widely diverse protocols that can quickly lead to cultural barriers, … [More]

Handling Difficult Conversations Remotely

by Roberta Matuson

No one could have accurately predicted that one day just about the entire world would go remote. But that’s precisely what happened when the coronavirus hit and pretty much brought everyone to a standstill. Within days of the official announcement of a pandemic, employers shut down their offices and sent workers home, leaving no time to train leaders on how to best manage … [More]

Are We ‘Hear’ for Each Other?

by Don Henninger

You can observe a lot just by watching. That’s one of the sayings made famous by Yogi Berra, a Hall of Fame baseball catcher perhaps best known for his off-the-wall quotes. While some of his “Yogi-isms” are hilarious, many of them have a deeper meaning if you take a minute to think about it. Here’s a twist on “watching” that might have a useful purpose. You can hear … [More]

3 Tips for Companies to Re-Engage as They Return to the Office

by Shideh Doerr

As companies begin phasing back into in-office work, they might notice employees engaging in a different manner. After nearly two years of isolating, Zoom meetings and remote work, many are feeling anxious and nervous thinking about daily interactions with people they’ve only ever seen or worked with virtually. If you're a business leader whose company is shifting into the … [More]

It’s Me, Not You (Actually, Maybe It Is You!) When It’s Time to Divorce Your Clients

by Kate Zabriskie

More than a hundred of her clients use her services only once a year. They expect champagne service on a beer budget, and they pull her attention away from the people she works with regularly. This group is weighing her down, and after some soul searching, she’s decided they’ve got to go. Her business is running her, and it’s not working. Plain and simple, he doesn’t like … [More]

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