Give Quiet a Chance in 2024 (It’s the Small Change That Changes EVERYTHING for Professionals)

Rick McCartney

Another year is winding down, and, sadly, your job is STILL making you miserable. You’re stressed, burned out, and overwhelmed. Even when you manage to get things done, your work is at best unfulfilling and at worst totally meaningless. And at the end of the day, you’re too exhausted to enjoy your friends and family. The worst part is, you’re not exactly sure why you feel … [More]

IRS Announces Limited-Time Repayment Program for Faulty Employee Retention Credit Applications

by Otto S. Shill III

The Internal Revenue Service has just published Announcement 2023-3 which allows companies to repay Employee Retention Credit (“ERC”) funds that they received from the federal government based on a defective application.  The Service is offering this program to mitigate the impact on businesses who were the victims of unscrupulous promoters of ERC applications.  The limited … [More]

Embracing the Future: Phoenix’s Small Business Landscape in 2024

A glimpse into the projected trends that promise to shape the Greater Phoenix small business community in the coming year

by Jania Bailey

As we stand on the cusp of 2024, the entrepreneurial spirit in Phoenix is palpable, with the region’s economy showing robust momentum over recent months with new business growth exceeding the national average. But with a global economic downturn looming and new technological and societal trends emerging every day, businesses in Phoenix need to adapt if they want to thrive in … [More]

Are You Directing Most of Your Resources to Market-Facing Innovation? Here’s Why You MUST

Once upon a time, your company’s founder was laser-focused on delivering superior, differentiated value to customers. Those customers had specific needs, and the company set out to fulfill them better than anyone else. But as the years passed and the business grew, that intense focus, well…drifted. Leaders got caught up in other priorities—say, tweaking productivity or quality, … [More]

Navigating the Path to Tax Season Success

Essential end-of-year strategies for Arizona business leaders

by Elizabeth Hale

As 2023 draws to a close, business owners in Arizona gear up for the inevitable task of tax preparation. While end-of-year accounting can often feel like drudgery, when done right, the significance of proper planning to drive long-term success cannot be overstated. From leveraging tax law changes to buttoning up charitable contributions and large purchases, ensuring your … [More]

Their Take: Arizona’s Dated Subdivision Laws Are a Roadblock to Desirable Development

by Jill Casson Owen, Benjamin Hawkins and Emily Thomason

Under the Arizona Department of Real Estate’s application of federal and state law, condominium developers are required to deliver a finished condominium unit to an end-purchaser within two years of signing the purchase agreement (Two-Year Delivery Requirement). Otherwise, developers could face significant liabilities, namely, exposure to a potential breach of contract, right … [More]

Realign Your Goals to Keep 2024 Resolutions: 5 Key Tips for the New Year

After 15 years in business and taking her Scottsdale-based leadership development company, U & Improved, to international acclaim, Corporate Trainer, Motivational Speak and Author of “From Me To U” Jodi Low is sharing five key tips to help realign one’s goals and keep resolutions in the New Year. “After hosting seminars around the world, one thing I’ve seen clients … [More]

Social Listening and Essential Response: How to Use Social Media to Your Brand’s Advantage

by Meagan D. Saxton

Using social media as a tool for customer service is a cornerstone of digital marketing in the 21st century. However, it isn’t as simple as firing off a series of posts on X in response to angry customers. In fact, responding to customers when they are angry is merely one component of a broader social strategy — one that’s only necessary if the other components are struggling … [More]

Less Than Two Weeks to Renew Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax License

As a reminder, businesses are required to renew their transaction privilege tax (TPT) license before January 1, 2024 to continue conducting business in Arizona. Penalties will be assessed for all renewals after January 31. The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) urges taxpayers to file, pay, and renew online through for easier renewals and faster processing. … [More]

New Workplace Wellness Survey Report Finds Caregiving Workers More Stressed, Less Prepared for Large Emergency Expenses

A new Workplace Wellness Survey report published by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and Greenwald Research finds caregiving workers are slightly older on average, more likely to work part-time than non-caregivers, stressed about finances and are challenged to juggle work and caregiving responsibilities. The 2023 WWS included an oversample of caregiving workers … [More]

New Multifamily Renter Sentiment Report Reveals Surprising Trends in Housing Choices and Generational Preferences

Knightvest, a fully integrated real estate investment and management company, released the results of the company's first annual survey measuring multifamily renter sentiment. The survey provides insights into the rent-versus-buy decision, the downstream effects of high mortgage interest rates, and differences in generational preferences around … [More]

How Private Equity Can Leverage Healthcare Savings

by David Slepak

Many companies are looking to maximize return for their investors but in today’s age the challenges facing financial performance are ever-present. High employee turnover, rising cost of healthcare benefits and inflation can all negatively impact the profitability of a business. One way to drastically improve a business’s profitability is by reducing the money spent on … [More]

Their Take: Pioneering Tomorrow’s Vehicle Today – The Software-Defined Vehicle Is Here

Intel Automotive is committed to an open architecture approach that offers flexibility and choice

Rick McCartney

I grew up in a car family. And when I say car family, I mean a CAR family. The running joke was that we had to have more individual cars than years my parents were married. And they’ve kept that streak alive for nearly 50 years. We’ve had Alfas (lots of Alfas), Corvettes, Chryslers, Fiats, a Renault (Le Car!), BMWs, MGs and MBGs, Cadillacs, Chevys, Maseratis, Ferraris, Jeeps, a … [More]

How to Get Your Financial Footing in the New Year

National nonprofit credit counseling agency Take Charge America outlines seven tips for a fresh financial outlook

Millions of people are eyeing a fresh financial start as the new year nears. With 67% of Americans planning to make a financial resolution in 2024, paying off debt is the most common goal. Despite an air of optimism, resolutions like this are quickly put on the backburner without a plan driving them forward. “With rising inflation, increasing interest rates and economic … [More]

Monthly Mortgage Payments Fall; New Listings Post Biggest Annual Uptick in Over 2 Years

Housing payments have declined for the fifth week in a row, according to a new report from Redfin, the technology-powered real estate brokerage. The typical U.S. homebuyer’s monthly mortgage payment was $2,575 during the four weeks ending November 26, down $164 from a peak of $2,739 last month but up 13% year over year. Monthly payments are falling from their peak … [More]

What Businesses Should Consider when Hiring Veterans

by Carlos Lamogliachinchilla

As the country honors the dedicated service of the U.S. armed forces this Veterans Day, it is worth noting many military personnel are currently transitioning into civilian life. These individuals are making this shift at an opportune moment. Traditionally an underutilized and frequently underestimated resource for business leaders, veterans bring a wealth of skills to the … [More]

Black Women Helping Close the Gender Gap as the Fastest Growing Group of Entrepreneurs, Says Report

According to a new report from GoDaddy's Venture Forward research initiative, Black women remain the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs, more than doubling since August 2019. Black women total 10% of total entrepreneurs surveyed for the latest report, representing a 70% increase in the number of Black women-owned businesses started prior to the pandemic. Overall, … [More]

CybeReady Unveils Five Key Actions to Combat Black Friday Cyber Threats

CybeReady, a global leader in security awareness training, today highlighted businesses and consumers gearing up for one of the busiest shopping seasons of the year, and the cyber threats that rise in this timeframe. This period is widely recognized to mark an increased risk of cyber threats that puts organizations as well as their employees and customers at risk. In response, … [More]

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