5 B2B Marketing Trends for 2024

What a difference a year makes

by Jordan Buning

This time a year ago, marketers planning their 2023 budgets were bracing for a recession. A common motto might have been, “Fasten your seatbelts, folks, we’re going to be in for a bumpy ride.” The same passengers now might be viewing blue skies ahead, or at least expecting some turbulence. Either way, it's time to get airborne. The industry motto for 2024 might be: “How do we … [More]

Tech for Good

Emerging sustainable growth markets

By Marga Hoek

As Tech for Good becomes a wider field with broader applications, the related sustainable growth markets are being unlocked and discovered. New sustainable tech areas are popping up and growing rapidly where solutions are urgently needed. Tech areas that were not traditionally associated with sustainable objectives are now beginning to turn their focus toward Tech for Good. … [More]

Cybersecurity Risk Controls Remain Key to Risk Mitigation, Resilience & Insurability

Proactive cybersecurity strategies for business owners and C-level executives

by Jordan Freeman

With technology increasing in sophistication year after year, business owners and executives must stay more vigilant than ever when it comes to preventing data breaches and cybersecurity threats. A cyber-attack can cost a company millions of dollars — and, with many businesses operating on razor-thin margins in today's economy, such a large financial hit could be devastating. … [More]

Mastering Executive Presentations

Unveiling the secrets to craft a winning presentation

by Kasper Vardup

In the cutthroat world of business and startups, one’s ability to deliver a compelling executive presentation can be the ticket to scaling the corporate ladder. For technology professionals, where information can sometimes teeter between being technically dense and challenging to decipher, the importance of crafting a clear and engaging executive presentation cannot be … [More]

Creating a Resilient Company Culture 

Navigating change and thriving amidst challenges

by Margaret Graziano

In an era marked by immense volatility and complexity, characterized by technological advancements, business consolidations, fierce competition and economic fluctuations, business leaders may find themselves in an unprecedented time of change. The aftermath of the pandemic continues to linger, with burnout, stress and overwhelm persisting among individuals and teams. Amidst … [More]

Retain and Recruit Employees by Offering Healthcare Benefits

Deliver affordable benefits and keep the business competitive

by David Slepak 

There is an opportunity for business owners to retain and recruit employees by providing healthcare solutions. Fifty-one percent of employees say benefits will play a significant role in talent retention, according to a 2023 study by Team Stage, “Employee Benefits Statistics 2023: How Many Have Health Insurance.” Labor pools have tightened, and gig economy jobs like Uber and … [More]

Talent Strategy – How to Weather the Storm 

6 tips for CEOs and CHROs to navigate uncertainty

by Jesse Meschuk 

CEOs and CHROs began 2023 facing exceptional challenges. A weakening economy, a stubbornly tight labor market, persistent inflation, banking instability, war and a new cultural dynamic in which workplace talent is dispersed globally make the job of managing modern workforces exceptionally turbulent. Navigating these challenges requires an honest, hard look at talent strategy. … [More]

Boosting Business Growth with a ‘No Meetings’ Approach

Prioritizing productivity over mere presence

by Aleksandra Sulimko

In a rapidly evolving business landscape, companies are continually exploring effective strategies to boost productivity and growth. A prime example is the unconventional "no meetings" policy. This policy has been reinforced by recent studies, such as the survey of 76 companies with operations in more than 50 countries that found a single no-meeting day per week improved … [More]

Reading the Signs: More Communication Is Not Better Communication

Top 3 things to do to avoid any miscommunication with one’s team

by Richard Newman 

Presentations in business often go something like this: Someone stands up in front of a group and delivers a list of data and facts. The information is soon forgotten, just like items on a conveyor belt in “The Generation Game.” The attendees leave the meeting, and when asked what it was about, they are forced to create a story about the facts they can remember, which can lead … [More]

Music Improves Workplace Productivity and Keeps Employees Connected

Create a positive culture that hits the right note every time

by Ross Honey

The most innovative workplaces are proactively seeking fresh ways to stand out from the crowd by dancing to the beat of a new tune and cultivating an environment where teams go against the grain of isolation. Separation from the rest of the team is not what fills our work lives with meaning or satisfaction, so employers are uncovering new opportunities to boost productivity and … [More]

Discrimination in AI Hiring?

Businesses using AI in hiring could be on the hook for discrimination as EEOC cracks down

by Shannon Pierce and Bruna Pedrini

The use of artificial intelligence in the recruiting and hiring process has seen increased popularity in recent years. Many businesses, seeking to lower hiring costs and also reduce potential claims of discrimination (by taking human discretion out of certain aspects of the hiring process), have turned to AI to handle functions such as locating talent, screening applicants, … [More]

Filling the Gaps for the Upcoming Retirement Wave 

Ensure knowledge and skills are not lost

by Don Alix

In today’s tight labor market, many managers and business leaders are grappling with the difficulty of recruiting and hiring quality candidates. Exacerbating the challenge is the nearly three million people who retired early due to the pandemic as well as 10,000 baby boomers who reach retirement age daily. And this rate of baby boomers reaching retirement age will continue … [More]

Mastering the Social Media Landscape

Five strategies for business success

by Candie Guay

In the ever-changing social media landscape, staying on top of trends is vital for businesses aiming to thrive in the digital sphere. Knowing which social media platforms and trends to pay attention to and which ones to ignore can be challenging.  Content Is Queen; Video Is King Gone are the days when static content ruled supreme. Short-form videos have taken center stage, … [More]

Workplace Culture & ‘Tall Poppy Syndrome’

Denigrating those who stand out can hurt a business’s bottom line

by Barbara Morris-Blake

 Tall poppy syndrome is a cultural phenomenon that refers to the tendency of individuals to criticize and cut down successful people or businesses that stand out in their respective fields. It is a social phenomenon that can have a significant impact on a business’s bottom line as well as the workplace communication and culture. Tall poppy syndrome often manifests as cutting … [More]

Building Workforce – Reducing Recidivism and Strengthening the Economy

Televerde programs effectively support women with their transition out of prison

by RaeAnne Marsh

Televerde’s unique business model provides a pipeline and a lifeline. Delivering its fully integrated B2B sales, marketing and customer care solutions to its global clientele has created success on one level; providing second-chance employment — and a path to reach that opportunity — is the other half of its story. “I learned that I can learn,” shared Ashlee Liberty in a … [More]

How to Make Any Corporate Event Stand Out 

Make a single event singular

by Ben Ostro

Corporate events are common in the U.S., often making it difficult for a single event to stand out and be remembered. In fact, more than a million corporate events happen each year in the United States. This results in many planning choices, like food and décor, feeling mundane and overused.  However, this can be avoided with the use of event planners and their ability to … [More]

Saying Is Believing, and Other Reasons to Share

CEOs need to pay better attention to their coaching culture and how they set up their employees for success

by Wendy Leshgold and Lisa McCarthy

Psychology professor Gail Matthews decided it was time to test some of the frequently repeated goal-achievement truisms. She found that yes, writing your goals down dramatically improves your odds of achieving them—it makes them 42 percent more likely to happen! But telling somebody about your goals—especially if it’s somebody whose opinion matters to you—and asking them to … [More]

Jump-Starting and Scaling a Marketplace 

Case studies in strategy

by Shirish Nadkarni

Jump-starting a marketplace can be a real challenge for entrepreneurs. They face a classic chicken or the egg problem. Without enough supply, there’s very little reason for consumers or buyers to show up, and without strong consumer demand, suppliers are generally reluctant to sign up, or they will lose interest if consumer demand takes a long time to show up.  Jump-Starting a … [More]

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