EN NEGOCIOS: 6 pasos sencillos para comunicarse de manera eficaz

por Edgar R. Olivo

¿Por qué es importante la comunicación eficaz en los negocios? Todo se reduce al resultado final de sus ingresos. El resultado final es el ingreso neto de una empresa después de que todos los gastos se hayan pagado con sus ganancias. Este es el número que necesita saber que determina si estará o no en el negocio. Y sin una comunicación eficaz, será muy difícil hacer crecer su … [More]

6 Simple Steps to Communicate Effectively

by Edgar R. Olivo

Why is effective communication important in business? It boils down to the bottom line. The bottom line is a company’s net income after all expenses have been paid out of its earnings. This is the number you need to know that determines whether or not you will be in business. And without effective communication, it will be very hard to grow your business or career toward … [More]

Why Integrated Communication Is the Future of Business

by Phil Cord

Because of growing digitalization, integrated communication has become more critical than ever. New inventions such as VoIP phone systems significantly increased the number of communication channels available and used by many different businesses. Additionally, the worldwide pandemic has only escalated the role of those channels. That's why every leader should know how to … [More]

Don’t Be The ‘Hot Mess’ Boss: 5 Communication Habits of the Emotionally Intelligent Leader

by Liz Uram

We’ve all seen it. The leader who receives bad news in a meeting and, with a loud outburst of disgust, slams their fist on the table. Or the leader who becomes overcome by their emotions and breaks down in tears. From one emotional extreme to the other, neither of these leaders instills confidence or trust in their team. Working for an emotionally unstable boss results in a … [More]

5 Tips for Improving Business’s Internal Communication System

by Phil Cord

Establishing effective internal communication within the company is an essential part of running a successful business. It is especially important today when many business owners manage office-based and remote teams simultaneously. Fortunately, many software tools, such as Weave Communications, help make this process easier and enable gathering customers’ insights, analyzing … [More]

Connections Are Business Capital 

by Lisa Apolinski

LinkedIn has more than 575 million users, according to leading WordPress hosting platform Kinsta, and nearly half of those are active every month (meaning they post, comment or “like” on the platform). If that isn’t impressive enough, LinkedIn has its sights on further investments into Latin America. What makes LinkedIn even more powerful is that users update their bios … [More]

Virtual Meetings – Beyond the Camera

by Karin Reed and Dr. Joe Allen

Remote work, virtual Zoom meetings, hybrid meetings — it’s all been so sudden, impactful and, to many, intimidating and overwhelming. Few people would likely ever have thought we would all need to master the art of on-camera performance, lighting, sound and virtual presentation. The following are a few tips to help succeed in this new virtual world. Turning the camera on … [More]

Avoid the Five Biggest LinkedIn Blunders

by Lisa Apolinski

Surprising statistic from Kinsta: LinkedIn has over 575 million users and nearly half of those are active every month (meaning they post, comment or like on the platform). If that isn’t impressive enough, LinkedIn has their sites on further investments into Latin America. What makes LinkedIn even more powerful is that users update their bios regularly, so the connections you … [More]

No Pain, No Gaines

by Mike Hunter

That’s been true ever since he was a little pint-sized hustler selling candy and Capri Suns down at the public tennis courts in northeast Texas. Deep in his bones he has always known that hard work yields great results. On the cusp of launching into what might be the hardest work he and his wife, Joanna, have ever done — building a network — Gaines realized that none of it … [More]

Tips for Growing Your Business Network (and why it matters)

PEO Leadership

A business network is often one of the most underutilized tools that leaders can use to grow their business. Many people are aware of networks but may not be sure why they matter or how to go about cultivating a strong one. The good news is that by learning how to harness the power of networks, you can take your business to the next level. “Nobody can grow their business all … [More]

How to Use Humor to Conquer Zoom Fatigue

by Angela DeFinis

Working remotely is no longer something reserved for freelancers or those on special assignment. Many major companies have said they plan to accommodate remote work indefinitely. In fact, following the pandemic, more than half of Americans say they want to continue working remotely, while two-thirds of companies say they may make their current work-from-home policies permanent. … [More]

4 Unexpected Ways Holiday Networking Has Been Changed by the Pandemic

by Lisa Rangel

This is certainly a year that is different than any other.  Many things have changed, as has job searching.  And job searching during the holiday season is certainly different this year.  Here are four ways holiday job searching is different and how you can make the best of it to still land your next role during this season and before 2021 starts. College Buddy … [More]

3 Steps to Stop People from Stealing Your Time

by Liz Uram

If you work remotely either part-time or full-time, temporarily or permanently, you have probably discovered that you are a lot more productive when you are not in the office. The main reason for the increase in productivity is that people aren’t inviting you to “got-a-minute” meetings. “Got-a-minute” meetings are those unannounced drop-ins that always take more than a minute … [More]

Ensure Recorded Zoom Interviews Look as Professional as Possible

by Keith Yaskin

In today’s environment, some organizations are turning to video platforms such as Zoom when face-to-face video production poses challenges. It’s worth the effort to ensure a recorded Zoom interview looks as professional as possible. Here are some tips to make sure participants are doing it right. Pick a video conferencing platform allowing participants to easily record … [More]

Get Energized! Create Energy in Your Virtual Presentations

by Angela DeFinis

Whether you’re new to working remotely or have been doing it for years, you know one thing is true: Giving virtual presentations via Zoom and other online meeting platforms can be a challenge. Many professionals feel that online meetings lack the excitement and passion that comes naturally during face-to-face communication. And they’re right! The fact is that energy is … [More]

Communication Tips for Working from Distributed Locations

OTRS Group

Increasing work in the home office offers a variety of opportunities, but also risks. According to a survey among 500 office workers, the vast majority (83 percent) believe that the corona crisis has opened up a new business trend towards more digitalization and home office usage. A clear majority (61 percent) is also in favor of a law establishing a right to work from a home … [More]

How to Prevent Political Discussions from Polarizing Your Workplace


Much has been written about political polarization in the U.S. and how a heated political climate has drawn a line in the sand between voters. But heading into the 2020 presidential election, self-censorship also is on the rise – including at the workplace, where some people fear sharing their political views. Nearly a third of employed Americans worry they could lose their … [More]

5 Tips to Focus Your Company’s Transformation as COVID Forces Change


While the recession caused by COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on businesses of all sizes and industries, some are finding new ways to run daily operations, reach customers, re-shape their business, and stay relevant. But others are still trying to figure out how to transform, and an expert in the field says that launching a transformation begins with setting the right … [More]

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