Phoenix Awarded $10 Million to Expand Tree Planting Efforts

The United States Forest Service announced that the City of Phoenix was awarded a $10 million grant to support tree planting efforts in heat-vulnerable areas.   "This significant award is more than just money for tree planting -- it's an acceleration toward a cleaner, cooler, more equitable Phoenix. Expanding our shade canopy has long been one of my priorities, and as we … [More]

Tempe Council Approves Indigenous Peoples’ Day as City Holiday

The City of Tempe will celebrate Indigenous People’s Day on Oct. 9 this year as a paid City of Tempe holiday. The Tempe City Council approved the holiday at its Sept. 7 Regular Council Meeting. Phoenix, Minneapolis, Denver and many other cities already recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Indigenous Peoples’ Day honors the rich cultural heritage, history, and contributions of … [More]

Two New Loop 303 Interchanges Will Help Traffic Flow, Improve Economic Development

Two critical new traffic interchanges are now open at 51st and 43rd avenues along the Loop 303. The interchanges will help address traffic growth prompted by current and planned development, including providing direct access to the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), the world’s largest contract silicon chip manufacturer. Construction of the interchanges was … [More]

SBA Launches ‘Investing in America: Small Business Tools and Resources’ Webinar Series

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) formally announced today its “Investing in America: Small Business Tools and Resources” series, a new collaboration with Public Private Strategies Institute (PPSI) to expand public awareness of SBA’s programs, priorities, and initiatives that will empower business owners across the country, particularly those from underserved and … [More]

State Invests $5.4 Million in Nonprofit Arts Sector

A one-time investment of $5 million in support of Arizona’s arts sector is reaching communities throughout the state with today’s announcement of grants awarded to nonprofit organizations, festivals, and arts learning programs. On August 23, 2023, the Arizona Commission on the Arts, an agency of the State of Arizona, announced 367 grant awards totaling $5,425,146. Grants … [More]

Governor Appoints Board of Directors for Arizona-Mexico Commission

Governor Katie Hobbs has announced her appointees to the Arizona-Mexico Commission. The Hobbs administration is working closely with Sonoran counterparts to ensure that Arizona is aligned and ready to begin working in a coordinated manner to advance cross-border initiatives. Additionally, Governor Hobbs announced that the commission’s first Binational Plenary in over … [More]

Phoenix Maintains Current Drought Status, Encouraging Conservation Efforts

The City of Phoenix will remain in a Stage 1 Water Alert despite today’s announcement by the United States Bureau of Reclamation to return to a Tier 1 Shortage on the Colorado River in 2024 as a result of a wet winter, which elevated water levels at Lakes Powell and Mead. While this favorable winter provides temporary relief to the Colorado River System, Phoenix, which … [More]

Tempe Awards Nearly $225,000 in Arts Grants to Local Nonprofits and Artist Collectives

The Tempe community can expect to see a calendar full of exciting, inclusive arts and culture programs this year thanks to a $225,000 investment from the City of Tempe. This week, Tempe awarded 35 arts grants to nonprofit organizations and artists collectives that present arts and culture programming. The funding supports a wide variety of activities, from theatre groups to … [More]

Valley Metro Seeks Artist for Northwest Phase II Opening Celebration

Valley Metro is seeking artists to create artwork for a poster to celebrate the opening of the Northwest Extension Phase II light rail project in Phoenix. This artwork should commemorate the opening of the new extension and Valley Metro’s first elevated rail station while also embodying themes of regeneration, renewal and growth. Artists looking to apply must be at least 18 … [More]

City of Phoenix Installs XWing Converted Shipping Container Shelter at Washington Relief Shelter

The City of Phoenix, along with St. Vincent de Paul and Steel + Spark, installed an XWing modular shelter unit at the Washington Relief Shelter. The converted shipping containers provide a unique solution to offering more independent residents shelter in a more private setting. “We are continuously working to develop innovative solutions to end homelessness and create paths … [More]

Tempe to Pursue AI Technologies Ethically, Equitably

The City of Tempe has committed to evaluating Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies before implementation with the recent adoption of an Ethical AI Policy that outlines principles, guidelines and procedures for responsible use within the city. Tempe is believed to be the first city in Arizona to enact a policy involving ethical use of AI. The City Council approved the … [More]

Maricopa Association of Governments Elects New Officers 2023

Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego was elected as chair of the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Regional Council today during the agency’s annual meeting. As the agency’s new chair, Gallego said the extension of Proposition 400 will be her top priority. “Our most pressing priority is to give voters the power to shape their transportation future through the extension of … [More]

$42.2M in Tribal Gaming Contributions for Q4 Culminates in Back-to-Back Record Years

The Arizona Department of Gaming (ADG) announced $42,177,864 in tribal gaming contributions to the Arizona Benefits Fund for the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2023. This caps off another year of record tribal gaming contributions to the Arizona Benefits Fund, with over $153 million dollars contributed in FY 2023. “Tribal gaming in Arizona continues to impress, with … [More]

State Transportation Board OKs Five-Year Construction Program

The State Transportation Board has approved the 2024-2028 Five-Year Transportation Facilities Construction Program, which includes funding to expand and improve pavement conditions on multiple highways vital to moving passengers and commerce. The final 2024-2028 Five-Year Transportation Facilities Construction Program is available here. The … [More]

New Historic Federal Investments in Phoenix to Accelerate Clean Energy Economy

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs and the Director of the Governor’s new Office of Resiliency Maren Mahoney joined Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego and clean energy experts and business leaders highlighting new federal investments to help more Phoenix families and business owners access affordable clean energy, earlier today. Thanks to the efforts of Arizona’s clean energy champions in … [More]

Their Take: Arizona’s Water Future Depends on New Water Supplies

None of us has a crystal ball, but we can be certain that our water future will require a variety of adaptive changes. We must adjust to reduced availability of Colorado River water and adjust to enhanced regulation of groundwater uses.  This regulation will come in various forms.  For the first time in decades, additional groundwater basins have been designated for … [More]

Arizona Chamber Celebrates Legislative Wins for Job Creators, Economic Development, and Pro-Business Climate

The Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry is proud to announce a host of legislative wins this session that will pave the way for further economic development, preserve Arizona’s pro-growth business climate, and protect our citizen initiative process from out-of-state special interests. The Chamber is particularly grateful for the passage of HB 2809, priority … [More]

As the Legislature Adjourns Again, Much Has Been Accomplished

by Alexis Glascock

The 2023 Legislative Session has recessed and is expected to come back again July 31. Much has been accomplished focused on keeping the Arizona economy moving forward with investments. The legislature and Governor Katie Hobbs created new laws related to Transportation, Economic Development, Water, and Education. Unlike prior years, each legislator was given a sum of money to … [More]

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