Robert Miguel, Arizona Indian Gaming Association

from Robert Miguel

Gaming and sporting events go together hand-in-glove, but each stands on its own and has a long history of success here in the Valley — as an entertainment draw and an economic driver. Indian Gaming, specifically, is essential to the economic well-being of not only Tribal Nations — providing employment, education, enhanced services and economic development opportunities — … [More]

Andy Abraham, Burch & Cracchiolo

from Andy Abraham

The term “the new normal” has become ubiquitous in our lives, referring to how we perceive the world and how we act in it. As businesses struggle to navigate the new normal – whether social or regulatory – attorneys can serve as their anchor and guide. The pandemic raised numerous challenges for attorneys, especially to look for creative ways to allow our clients to serve … [More]

Paul Komadina, CBRE Arizona

from Paul Komadina

It’s been an industrious season for the industrial sector of Phoenix’s commercial real estate — more than a year that includes record-setting activity and that also bodes well for Phoenix’s employment numbers. The Phoenix industrial market continues to surpass expectations, setting records for demand and construction only few markets can rival. Increased tenant demand is the … [More]

Richard J. Gray, M.D., Mayo Clinic

from Richard J. Gray, M.D.

Bioscience may be redefining the economy in Phoenix — and even statewide. It spans sectors, connecting institutions from universities to hospital networks to private companies. In December, Mayo Clinic acquired 228 acres of land adjacent to our campus in North Phoenix, paving the way to develop a transformative biotech and life sciences corridor called Discovery Oasis. The … [More]

Mary Jane Rynd,  Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust

by Mary Jane Rynd

This time of year, with the roll-up to Arizona Gives Day next month, there’s a tremendous focus on fundraising for nonprofits. Asa community, we need to recognize that this hardly defines nonprofits’ participation in our economy — as businesses that provide employment and generate revenue. We all know that nonprofits generate tremendous social good. However, many may not … [More]

Dr. Joel (JP) Martin, Positively Powerful™ Triad West, Inc. 

from Dr. Joel (JP) Martin

DEI. And an additional initial: B. Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging are in the forefront of business operations these days — whether it’s because consumers are evidencing concern for supporting it through their spending habits, or because younger generations are making it a point of their choice of where to work, or because business leadership has decided it’s the … [More]

Kevin Pavlov, ElectraMeccanica

from Kevin Pavlov

It seems only a few years ago, the big hurdle for employers was healthcare — how to offer an employee benefits package that would make the company attractive in recruiting and retaining talent. The current fight for top talent — or even average workforce to keep a company functioning — has bumped up to new levels. From healthcare to vibrant communities and a solid school … [More]

Rick McCartney, In Business Magazine

from Rick McCartney

Arizona in general and Metro Phoenix are among the hottest growth spots in the country. Numerous factors are touted to explain this, but certainly notable is the exceptional business leadership that characterizes our business community. So we have a responsibility… Over the past several years we have looked at redefining leadership to be more inclusive, conscious about … [More]

Eric Miller, PADT

from Eric Miller

Technology is so much a part of our lives that we take most of it for granted. We notice it only when there’s a quantum leap in innovation that disrupts our standard way of doing things, our processes at work and our habits at home.  Arizona’s technology ecosystem, like that in many other states across the nation, is thriving due to the critical role it’s played in our … [More]

Dr. Caroline Carney, Magellan Health

from Dr. Caroline Carney

A topic that has traditionally been taboo, or at least stigmatized, has come to prominence over the past year: mental health. Maybe we can thank the pandemic for letting the topic become one that is openly discussed — although the pandemic is a big part of why. Even before the pandemic, the need for mental health and addiction services was on the rise. Look at the data … [More]

Linda S. Hunt, Dignity Health Southwest Division

from Linda S. Hunt

Coordinated with its annual event that shines a spotlight on women who are using their positions of leadership — whether in for-profit or nonprofit organizations — to make a difference in our community, this edition of In Business Magazine celebrates the 2021 Women of Achievement. During my career in the Valley, I have witnessed how very open and welcoming the community is … [More]

Jos Anshell, Marketing Forensics

from Jos Anshell

Over this past year, the word “pivot” has become the buzzword as businesses responded to a new climate for commerce. Successful pivots are grounded in good communication — and that’s the realm of marketing. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but a few things have changed in the past 18 months. The key is survival; “thrival” is … the consumer. And if you you’re not listening to … [More]

Jerry Colangelo, JDM Partners

from Jerry Colangelo

Arizona has been lauded in recent years as one of the fastest-growing states in the country, one of the strongest for entrepreneurial growth, and even its composite cities have been singled out for various economic distinctions. Our natural characteristics — proximity to global markets, ample sunshine, an unbeatable quality of living — have played a role in some of the growth. … [More]

Derrick Hall, Arizona Diamondbacks

from Derrick Hall

“Fun” may not be a recognized economic sector, but there are real businesses that qualify for that heading — and they have been dealing with very real business concerns. In fact, it is recognized that businesses which rely on people being “out and about” have been among the ones hardest hit by the pandemic. Imagine the challenge for those of us in the business of gathering … [More]

Walter Crutchfield, Vintage Partners

from Walter Crutchfield

Moving up in the CRE spotlight these days is industrial and multifamily. And Phoenix is leading the pack in those segments, while other segments are adapting to considerable shifts in market needs. Many of the negative shifts felt in other parts of the country have not impacted the Phoenix market as deeply. Couple that with strong in-migration, growth in manufacturing jobs, … [More]

Frances Ducar, Healthcare Solutions Centers

from Frances Ducar

Almost everything now is seen through the lens of COVID-19, from work to entertainment to family. Perhaps the most impacted is healthcare itself. In March of 2020 Arizona healthcare providers and systems had to dramatically adapt to the fear that the Coronavirus would develop into the next 1918 Spanish Flu.  Lacking PPE, most healthcare providers quickly transformed to … [More]

Kyu Utsunomiya & Troy Watkins, Conceptually Social

from Kyu Utsunomiya & Troy Watkins

Help doesn’t just happen, however badly it’s needed — as the situation in Texas last month made abundantly clear. Our leaders should be recognized for the effort to provide aid to help businesses remain functioning and especially at the local level to orchestrate that relief. March of 2020 caught so many of us off guard and unprepared. As partners in a small, local Phoenix … [More]

Senator Mark Kelly

from Mark Kelly

The toll of the pandemic has been devastating. Hundreds of thousands of American lives lost. Millions more have lost jobs or faced economic hardship. The pandemic has also taken a toll on Arizona’s businesses, and that will be the focus of this edition of In Business Magazine. Some businesses have been able to adapt their model during the pandemic. Many businesses, however, … [More]

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