
by Taylor Fareri

Social media is an indispensable tool for many businesses and organizations, including nonprofits. Whether a company is using Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter or LinkedIn, the platforms offer a free way to connect with their target audience. Every post is a new chance to reach a potential donor or volunteer.  Social media challenges and viral fundraising techniques can … [More]

Ignite Constituent Engagement

by Nancy Treser Osgood

Have those wildly creative virtual events and engaging digital messages reached their saturation point with donors, alumni or other constituents? As people tire of online interactions and hunger for more personal contacts and exchanges, how can educational institutions and nonprofit organizations keep their supporters involved and engaged?  These successful alumni programs … [More]

Big Bold Ideas Create Transformational Change for Nonprofits, Communities and Fundraising

by Richard Tollefson

Nonprofits that put forward a big and bold vision attract aspirational donors looking to change the world. Whether in one’s own backyard or around the globe, a carefully executed process of visionary planning and ambitious priority and goal setting cannot be bound by the constraints of current convention nor perceived restrictions.  The process must set the stage for … [More]

Reinventing the Way We Work

by Tanya Muñiz and Laura Kaiser

The ongoing pandemic has created a wave of change of epic proportions that has led to the great employment “reset” that the country, and the world, is now experiencing. Workers across various business sectors and age and ethnic groups are rethinking where and when they want to work, or if they want to stay in the workforce at all. Many employees are experiencing a radical … [More]

The Future of Philanthropy 

by Richard Tollefson

A new era of philanthropy, nonprofit governance and social change is upon us. Why, how and where the next generation of philanthropists give and engage is drastically changing in America and reshaping how nonprofits do business. To optimize the potential and impact of next-gen leaders, nonprofits must understand that leadership is more than money — although the wealth of this … [More]

An Equitable Economy in a Post-Pandemic World

by Carla Vargas Jasa and Chris Camacho 

What does an equitable economy look like in a post-pandemic world? The nonprofit sector, in partnership with businesses and many other sectors of the modern economy, is digging deep to determine how to answer this complex question.  An inclusive and equitable economy is possible only if representation allows all groups to be the drivers of the conversation. This is critical … [More]

Prepare for a Stronger Future with the Arizona Endowment Building Institute

by Kristen Mihaljevic

Nonprofit organizations provide essential services to our communities, stepping in to ensure people are housed, clothed, fed and feel safe. Yet, many nonprofits are surviving on limited resources. They must focus on running their operations, managing volunteers and communicating with donors, all while continuing to serve their clients. While many organizations are … [More]

Internal and External Stakeholders at the Core of Successful CSR Strategies 

by Carla Vargas Jasa

As the global pandemic continues, many companies are rethinking how they do business in a world that expects more than yesterday’s “doing well by doing good” Corporate Social Responsibility campaigns. In every community, the local economic, health and social impacts are in flux and no matter the corporation’s size or location; a company is a part of that … [More]

Record Giving Reaches $471 Billion. What Does It Mean for 2021? 

by Richard Tollefson

While a strong year-end stock market and record giving in response to COVID-19 and racial justice efforts drove growth in contributions, a tumultuous year created an uneven picture.  Total estimated charitable giving in the United States rose 5.1% from 2019 to 2020 (3.8%, adjusted for inflation), to $471.44 billion in contributions. This increase reflects flat or positive … [More]

Affordable Homes within Reach

by Lisa Urias

As our state confronts the third most severe affordable housing shortage in the nation, it’s clear that the status quo won’t cut it for average Arizonans. Compounded with rising rental rates, soaring overall demand and a high percentage of households at risk of eviction, the number of people experiencing homelessness has risen steadily in recent years. As a community-centric … [More]

Talent Management Reimagined

by Richard Tollefson

While attracting great talent and reducing staff turnover is a persistent challenge in often financially constrained nonprofit organizations, there are solutions. The key is to think holistically.  Taking a holistic approach to talent management requires an organization to look beyond the day-to-day issues and crisis management that human resource teams naturally get pulled … [More]

Teaming Up with the Business Community to Achieve Bold Community Goals

by Carla Vargas Jasa

A little over a year after the rampant rise of COVID-19, there’s hope on the horizon. Vaccination programs continue to roll out and the next round of stimulus checks are reaching many Arizona families. Although there is light at the end of the tunnel, recovery efforts could take years. Additionally, the pandemic shone a bright light on health and economic disparities, … [More]

New Public-Private Partnership Supports Rural Communities

by Lisa Urias

How can rural communities get the support they need for infrastructure and development projects? Small communities have long struggled with the prohibitive costs of upgrading and maintaining their water systems and expanding or building the new schools, housing, firehouses and parks that are critical to the well-being of residents. Take the community of Bouse, located in La … [More]

Sustaining and Growing Your Fundraising Performance in 2021

by Richard Tollefson

If there is one key takeaway for philanthropy professionals from 2020, it’s that they have to be prepared to pivot quickly. With COVID-19, social unrest, market volatility, the elections and natural disasters, it was a year like none other. But even with the challenging landscape, there are professionals and institutions that were successful in sustaining and growing their … [More]

How Corporate America Stepped Up during the Pandemic 

by Carla Vargas Jasa 

The Giving USA 2020 report showed 2019 philanthropic giving close to the record level set in 2017 and that the past three years were the highest years on record. This report also showed corporate giving was up 13%.  Then, COVID-19 hit home —hard — requiring all of us to quickly adapt and bend to respond to new situations and needs for our communities, employees and our … [More]

Community Foundations: First Responders of Philanthropy

by Steve Seleznow

After a year full of crises and uncertainty, the dawn of 2021 seems like an appropriate time to reflect on the work of community foundations across the country. Any reflection must consider a nation dealing with a public health pandemic, social justice issues taking a prominent space on the national stage, and an unprecedented presidential election. This confluence of … [More]

Tell Me a Story and Capture My Heart 

by Richard Tollefson

Who doesn’t love a great story? The complex characters, engaging plot, drama, tension and, finally, the memorable outcome. And like a page-turning novel or an Academy-award-winning movie, storytelling in the business world can be powerful — influencing how consumers make decisions and persuade others. Storytelling is as old as business itself, and has been adopted and used … [More]

New Report Sheds Insight on Pandemic’s Impact on Nonprofits

Common Impact

According to a new report from Common Impact, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nonprofit organizations is staggering and the skills and expertise of corporate employees are a critical part of restoring and sustaining the sector. The COVID-19 Nonprofit Impact Report: A Guide for Providing Philanthropic and Skilled Volunteer Support , released today, indicates the … [More]

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